Welcome to Kieran Cloud Radio!

Welcome to my page. Not the most fancy of sites, but it's a work in progress. Native to the USA, I live in Florida and frequently play in virtual worlds; You can find me in Second Life, OSGrid, and even in my own private grid, KC's World! My two favorite hobbies are running and DJing. =)

I started out DJing online and love mixing music! Check out some of my recorded sets on MixCloud. I'll try to get more uploaded to MixCloud soon. Here is one of my past Trance sets, below!

You can also tune in to my internet radio broadcast! Use the media player at the bottom of this page to hear a 24-hour internet radio broadcast where I stream electronic dance music performed by various DJs! Bookmark my page and have a listen at home or on your phone!

You can also listen to my broadcasts directly in some apps, like VLC or Winamp, or in virtual worlds like Second Life, by using the stream URL in the format below:



About KC's World

In my first virtual experiences, I joined two different worlds, There.com and Second Life. Over the years, I developed a fascination with owning my own land and building. Eventually I wanted to expand to something larger, but i was sick of wasting my money; Let's face it, putting real money into a virtual world is a waste to most; we enjoy playing in the world, and we mindlessly dump money into it, whether it is for clothes, land, or other objects like furniture for our virtual homes. There is where OpenSIM comes to mind. OpenSIM is an open source simulator, which is designed with similar programming language, like Second Life.

KC's World is born. I decided i wanted to try developing my own world, one where many can visit and enjoy what OpenSIM owners have to offer, for free. My world is only one of the hundreds of worlds out there to try. If you are interested in learning more about Open Simulator, want to take a peak into my world, or want to just browse the activity of others in these open source worlds, try these links: